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Our colour system builds on the recognition of the JET brand colours to make the product interface more usable.

Alias tokens by theme

Alias tokens use different global tokens depending on which theme is being used.


Basic alias colour tokens for the basic building blocks of our products, including backgrounds, borders and dividers.

Page Backgrounds

Example Description Token name
  • Background default Default page background Global token used: $color-mozzarella-5
  • Background subtle Subtle page background Global token used: $color-mozzarella-10
  • Background dark High contrast page background Global token used: $color-mozzarella-100
  • Overlay Translucent background overlay Global token used: $color-black @55%

Container Backgrounds

Example Description Token name
  • Container default Default container background Global token used: $color-white
  • Container subtle Subtle container background Global token used: $color-mozzarella-10
  • Container strong Strong container background Global token used: $color-mozzarella-20
  • Container dark Dark container background Global token used: $color-mozzarella-90
  • Container inverse Inverse container background Global token used: $color-mozzarella-90
  • Container inverse alternative Alternative Inverse container background Global token used: $color-mozzarella-90

Interactive Backgrounds

Example Description Token name
  • Interactive brand Brand interactive colour used mainly in button and CTA backgrounds, accent fills and borders Global token used: $color-orange
  • Interactive primary Primary interactive colour used mainly in button and CTA backgrounds, accent fills and borders Global token used: $color-mozzarella-90
  • Interactive secondary Primary interactive colour used mainly in button and CTA backgrounds Global token used: $color-mozzarella-10
  • Interactive inverse Inverse interactive colour used mainly in button and CTA backgrounds Global token used: $color-white
  • Interactive light Light interactive colour used on dark backgrounds Global token used: $color-white
  • Interactive form Field background on $background-default Global token used: $color-mozzarella-60
  • Interactive error Error interactive colour, used mainly in Destructive buttons, accent fills and borders Global token used: $color-red


Example Description Token name
  • Border default Default border Global token used: $color-mozzarella-20
  • Border subtle Subtle border Global token used: $color-mozzarella-10
  • Border strong Higher contrast border Global token used: $color-mozzarella-30
  • Border inverse Border on inverse or dark coloured backgrounds Global token used: $color-mozzarella-70
  • Border selected Border for selected state of the box Global token used: $color-mozzarella-50
  • Border selected brand Used to indicate a box or container is selected. Make sure you use a 2px border. Global token used: $color-orange


Example Description Token name
  • Divider default Divider for use above default and light-coloured backgrounds Global token used: $color-black @8%
  • Divider inverse Divider for use above inverse and dark-coloured backgrounds Global token used: $color-white @20%

Supportive Feedback

Alias colour tokens used to add meaning and brand our products.


Example Description Token name
  • Support neutral Neutral; used for neutral messaging and alerts Global token used: $color-mozzarella-20
  • Support error Error; high-impact messaging Global token used: $color-red
  • Support error 02 Low contrast version of $support-error Global token used: $color-red-10
  • Support warning Warning; moderate impact messaging Global token used: $color-yellow
  • Support warning 02 Low contrast version of $support-warning Global token used: $color-yellow-10
  • Support positive Success; positive messaging Global token used: $color-green
  • Support positive 02 Low contrast version of $support-positive Global token used: $color-green-10
  • Support positive inverse High contrast version of $support-positive to be used over dark backgrounds Global token used: $color-green-30
  • Support info Information; instructional messaging Global token used: $color-blue
  • Support info 02 Low contrast version of $support-info Global token used: $color-blue-10
  • Support info inverse High contrast version of $support-info to be used over dark backgrounds Global token used: $color-blue-30
  • Support neutral persistent Low contrast $support-01 for subtle surfaces + effects. Retains global token value in dark theme. Global token used: $color-mozzarella-20
  • Support error inverse High contrast support error color used on top of $container-inverse Global token used: $color-red-40
  • Support warning inverse High contrast support warning color used on top of $container-inverse Global token used: $color-yellow


Example Description Token name
  • Support brand 01 Special; special attention messaging Global token used: $color-orange-30
  • Support brand 02 Low contrast version of $support-brand-01 for subtle surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-orange-10
  • Support brand 03 Discretionary brand surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-blue-25
  • Support brand 03 subtle Discretionary brand surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-cupcake-10
  • Support brand 04 Discretionary brand surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-red-25
  • Support brand 04 subtle Discretionary brand surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-berry-10
  • Support brand 05 Discretionary brand surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-yellow
  • Support brand 05 subtle Discretionary brand surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-turmeric-5
  • Support brand 06 Discretionary brand surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-purple
  • Support brand 06 subtle Discretionary brand surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-aubergine-10
  • Support brand 07 Discretionary brand surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-orange-55
  • Support brand 07 subtle Discretionary brand surfaces and effects Global token used: $color-tomato-5


Alias colour tokens used for text and icons only.


Example Description Token name
  • Content default Default text and icon colour Global token used: $color-charcoal-80
  • Content subdued Subdued text and icon colour used for secondary text and input labels Global token used: $color-charcoal-70
  • Content light Text and icon colour used on dark backgrounds Global token used: $color-white
  • Content dark Text and icon colour used on light backgrounds Global token used: $color-charcoal-80
  • Content inverse Text and icon colour used on inverse backgrounds Global token used: $color-white
  • Content error Text and icon colour for error messaging Global token used: $color-red
  • Content placeholder Text colour for placeholder text Global token used: $color-charcoal-57
  • Content positive Text and icon colour for success messaging Global token used: $color-green
  • Content disabled Text and icon colour to mark them as disabled Global token used: $color-charcoal-50
  • Content brand Brand text and icon colour Global token used: $color-orange


Example Description Token name
  • Content interactive brand Brand colour for interactive text and icons Global token used: $color-orange
  • Content interactive light Persistent colour for interactive text and icons on dark backgrounds. Uses the same global token in all themes Global token used: $color-white
  • Content interactive primary Colour for the text and icons of primary interactive elements Global token used: $color-white
  • Content interactive secondary Colour for the text and icons of secondary interactive elements Global token used: $color-charcoal-80
  • Content interactive tertiary Colour for the text and icons of tertiary interactive elements Global token used: $color-charcoal-75
  • Content interactive inverse Colour for interactive text and icons on inverse backgrounds Global token used: $color-charcoal-80
  • Content interactive dark Persistent colour for interactive text and icons on light backgrounds. Uses the same global token in all themes Global token used: $color-charcoal-80
  • Content interactive error Colour for the text and icons of error-specific or destructive interactive elements Global token used: $color-red
  • Content interactive subdued Subdued text and icon colour used for text and icons Global token used: $color-charcoal-60
Example Description Token name
  • Content link Text and icon colour for links Global token used: $color-charcoal-80
  • Content link distinct Text and icon colour for high visibility links Global token used: $color-blue
  • Content link light Persistent text and icon colour for dark backgrounds. Uses the same global token in all themes Global token used: $color-white
  • Content link inverse Text and icon colour for inverse backgrounds Global token used: $color-white
  • Content link visited Text and icon colour for visited links Global token used: $color-system-purple
  • Content link visited inverse Text and icon colour for visited links on inverse backgrounds Global token used: $color-system-purple-10


Alias colour tokens used to represent state changes and loading animations in components.


Example Description Token name
  • Hover 01 Opacity effect for hover states on default backgrounds Global token used: $color-hover-darken
  • Hover 02 Opacity effect for hover states on inverse backgrounds Global token used: $color-hover-lighten
  • Hover 02 light Persistent opacity effect for hover states on dark backgrounds. Uses the same global token in all themes Global token used: $color-hover-lighten
  • Hover 01 dark Persistent opacity effect for hover states on light backgrounds. Uses the same global token in all themes Global token used: $color-hover-darken
  • Active 01 Opacity effect for active states on default backgrounds Global token used: $color-active-darken
  • Active 02 Opacity effect for active states on inverse backgrounds Global token used: $color-active-lighten
  • Active 02 light Opacity effect for active states on dark backgrounds. Uses the same global token in all themes Global token used: $color-active-lighten
  • Active 01 dark Opacity effect for active states on light backgrounds. Uses the same global token in all themes Global token used: $color-active-darken
  • Resting 0% opacity used for resting hover and active overlays Global token used: $color-white
  • Disabled 01 Colour used for disabled UI elements Global token used: $color-mozzarella-20
  • Disabled 01 inverse Colour used for disabled UI elements on inverse backgrounds Global token used: $color-mozzarella-80
  • Focus inner Colour used for outline focus states Global token used: $color-white
  • Focus outer Colour used for outline focus states Global token used: $color-blue-70


Example Description Token name
  • Skeleton 01 Colour used for skeletons used as placeholders for UI elements while loading Global token used: $color-mozzarella-10
  • Skeleton 02 Colour used for skeletons used as placeholders for UI elements while loading Global token used: $color-mozzarella-20
  • Skeleton 03 Colour used for skeletons used as placeholders for UI elements while loading Global token used: $color-white
  • Skeleton shimmer 01 Shimmer effect applied on top of Skeleton-01 when loading elements Global token used: $color-mozzarella-5
  • Skeleton shimmer 02 Shimmer effect applied on top of Skeleton-02 when loading elements Global token used: $color-mozzarella-5
  • Skeleton shimmer 03 Shimmer effect applied on top of Skeleton-03 when loading elements Global token used: $color-mozzarella-10